Saturday, January 05, 2008

Renovation Update #3

Upstairs air conditioner in? Check (sure, it was sitting on the bedroom floor for 2-3 months, but whatever). Last of bedroom stuff unpacked? Check. Living room coffee table cleared? Check. Disgusting laundry room tile removed? Check. Scraping in laundry room/entry way completed? Check. We're moving along quite nicely here at Hale Spice. The most exciting part was when the final crap was scraped from the front area and the horrible, disgusting black plastic sheet (think heavy duty garbage bag material) was finally removed. My uncle came over yesterday to help us install the tile in the front of the house. I'm feeling quite handy right now. Lance and I finished it up yesterday afternoon and we're giving the thin set a couple of more hours to set before we venture into our first grouting experience. I don't know what my favorite part of this project was. Perhaps it was when we initially tried to remove the tile and discovered that whoever had installed the original ugliness used a particularly strong bond in the front area. Or maybe it was the lovely entryway of bumpy concrete covered with black plastic that we lived with for six months. Or maybe it was when Lance and I tried to cover the area with self leveling concrete but discovered it came out crappy and had to re-scrape the laundry room. Or maybe my favorite part was when they had to re-do part of the tile because they discovered that it wasn't straight. I don't know, there's been so many "favorites" during this project. All I know is that my body is ridiculously sore and I hope it feels better in the next hour or so because I'm getting back down on my hands and knees soon to do the grout. I must admit, however, that it is looking pretty snazzy. M*Bark wants us to hurry up and finish. This was her tethered to the stairs landing while we worked:
Next up: The Bathroom

1 comment:

nure nezumi said...

dammit, that's actually a cute picture.