Monday, September 22, 2008

09/19/08 Revisted

Well, it looks like I offended someone with September 19's blog about the election and Resa Tsuneyoshi:
Anonymous said...
at least she took a chance and TRIED to make a difference rather than just blogging and complaining.

Let's clear some things up. This comment implies that I've been complaining about my community and have done nothing about it. 1) I was not complaining nor have I ever complained about my community, 2) I have done more than "complained." By voting, I too made a difference, and 3) I did not say that Resa Tsuneyoshi did not try to make a difference nor did I complain about her trying to do so. I just disagreed with the difference that she wanted to make. Apparently, so did the thousands of voters in her district who chose to vote for someone else.

I find it interesting that I managed to offend this person so much that he/she felt the need to leave an anonymous comment, which is fine because I started this blog with the understanding that I would receive the occasional anonymous comment. Those who choose to run for office also open themselves up to public scrutiny.


Anonymous said...

All you do is talk about experience and saying the right things to the masses. Why is their so much eperience in politicts today but where in such bad shape. I will tell you why its people like you that vote but, listen to candidates say all the right things and you believe it to be true. The most important thing we are lacking is character and intergrity, but obviously you dont talk about these things. You want candidates to look good say all the right words and rip off the people. Well I know Resa personally the one thing she has that many candidates dont have is character and integrity. That is why we have so many politicions getting trouble today. So my advice to you is when picking people, boyfriends, friends or anyone. Look deeper then what they say but what the do in life with what they say.People dont have to know all the right answers they just need the ability to listen to the people. Tell me when was the last time any politicion actually gave you the time of day?

Anonymous said...

wow. spell-check much?

hey kathleen, are you sure you didn't post this "anonymous" comment (loaded with spelling and grammatical errors) yourself to make that other "anonymous" comment-er look dumb? if so, good job. if not... wow... and sad. but at least we know our jobs are secure huh? haha.