Tuesday, September 23, 2008

For the last time

Alright, I thought I was pretty clear but apparently not. Once again, I do NOT care that she is 19 and that she does not have the POLITICAL experience. If I agreed with the difference that she wanted to make or if I felt she would have adequately represented my community's needs, then I would have voted for her, regardless of her age or political experience. I did not vote for her because I did not AGREE with her nor did I feel that she had enough experience WITHIN THE COMMUNITY to know us or what we value. She made that very clear in her public statements. Obviously my community agreed with me because she was not even close to getting enough votes to be elected. Our community is such that taking away THE CHOICE TO WORK is not an idea that would sit well with us. I did not attack HER CHARACTER OR INTEGRITY because I do not know her as a person. However, it does concern me that she makes PUBLIC STATEMENTS implying that gas guzzling vehicles and the environment is important to her and yet she rents GAS GUZZLING SUV LIMOS to campaign. Most politicians will at least wait until they are elected TO SAY ONE THING AND DO ANOTHER. In addition, her remarks concerning public education made it clear that she did not take the time to do her RESEARCH before making her comments. You claim that Resa Tsuneyoshi will have the "ability to listen." Her statements made it clear that she obviously does not since she did not know the community that she wanted to represent. I do not care that you feel that she is a nice person. Yes, I would if I was looking for "boyfriends or friends" but not when I'm looking for a political leader. Anonymous, if you choose to respond, fine, but this is the last time that I will be addressing this issue.

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