Thursday, October 09, 2008

Why I Hate Macy's

Month 1: Receive credit card statement. All looks good and going to Pearlridge so decide to pay bill in store. Tell sales clerk to credit Macy's account.
Month 2: Receive credit card statement. Weird, because no purchase made during the month. Also receive joint Visa statement. Weird, because Visa portion of card is never used. Realize that salesclerk hit the wrong bloody button on the cash register and credited Visa account and not Macy's account. Call credit card company, explain situation, refuse to pay late fees for something that was never late to begin with. Company apologizes and fixes mistake.
Month 3: Receive credit card statement. Weird, because again, no purchase made during the month. Receive threatening letter saying the payment is two months late. Call credit card company, yell at representative. Representative credits account, tries to say still need to pay late fee. Explain again that payment not late, use phrase "absolutely refuse to pay for something that was not late to begin with", voice gets increasingly louder. Company apologizes and fixes mistake. Decide to close account and cut up bloody credit card.
Month 4: Receive credit card statement. Weird, because again, no purchase made during the month and account supposedly closed previous month. Receive threatening letter saying that payment is three months late. Call credit card company, ask to speak to supervisor because starting to feel bad about yelling at so many people. Wait ten minutes to be transferred to supervisor. Supervisor comes on, refuses to listen to explanation of problem, refers repeatedly to a Mrs. Something-Not-My-Name. Finally get a word in edgewise, ask him who he thinks he's talking to. Supervisor explains that the whole problem due to that I have the wrong name on account. Get even madder, tell supervisor that I know my own name and that he's looking at the wrong account. Suggest he shut up for a minute and listen to my problem. Give account number again, wait five minutes. Supervisor credits account, tries to explain that late fee still needs to be paid. Explain again that there's no way in hell that they're getting a late fee for something that was not late. Supervisor agrees. Close account again.

The original charge was less than $50.


nure nezumi said...

finally. although i must say that i'm now very wary of store credit cards, even the "big" stores. i've never had a macy's account (but my mom, being a retired japanese school teacher, loves it) but i've got one for pacsun and for american eagle (although i very rarely buy anything from there anymore). when i applied for my mortgage my rep told me to cancel both of them (she also told me to cancel capital one, because they've got bad service).

it's funny how mean you have to be to get your way... but then again it's also funny how being super mean can get you a lot of things as well. you must be scary on the phone...

....meow.... said...

i have a friend that has excommunicated macy's from her shopping list. i barely go there myself because their customer service sucks most of the time.

brandizzle said...

totally lame. i hate dealing with people. i know, i'm going into a people-oriented field but i don't like to deal with mean people.