Monday, February 20, 2006


Another year has come and gone and now I'm (as so many rude people have pointed out) a quarter of a century old, half a decade to 30, and half way to 50...I have evil friends and family. Anyway, this was a really yummy chocolate haupia cake that my mom bought for my and my cousin's birthdays. Can you see what Cake Kat is doing? :) Posted by Picasa

My reflections upon my 24th year are similar to my 2005 reflections, since we're only a month into the new year. Anyhow, 24 was a great year, probably one of the best. I've just realized that the first three months of the year are my reflection months. Next month is our 7th anniversary and our 1st wedding anniversary so I'll be reflecting on the first year of marriage next month.

Oh, heh, heh. Side note: Joy gave me a marshmallow shooter for my birthday. You've been warned.

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