Friday, February 10, 2006


This was supposed to be my "easy" week...easy week. What happened? After the craziness of last week with internal review and all, this was supposed to be my easy week. Internal Review. The most hated phrase after the big one - Due Process. If I have to go to due process within my 3 year obligation to my employer, will I still find my job worthwhile? Or will I say to hell with it all and go find someone who values my experience and education? I'm so tired, I'm thinking of leaving this blog till later and heading off to bed already. But if I leave this blog till later, it won't get done until way later, if at all.

Sometimes I think of scrapping this blog and just starting a new one. I read in my husband's NEA publication that teachers are using blogs as educational tools and as ways to vent about the stresses of their job. There are teachers out there who have anonymous blogs that allow them to really vent and express how they really feel about the people they have to deal with. It sounds like a good idea. Of course, even with the guise of anonymity, could I still really feel free to say what I really think? Or will some tech savvy crazed parent go looking for my blog to use against me in the future?

It's always a bad sign when having a kid vomit in your classroom was not the worst thing that happened during the week.

This blog is depressing. Something awesome department had a party for me and an EA for our birthdays.

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