Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spring Break 2007 - Week 1

It's spring break. So what have I been doing?

1) Work. Bloody work. Our database was supposed to switch over to another system during the break so most of us busted ass to get everything in before the switch. Because let's face it. We all knew that the new system was gonna suck for at least the first six months of operation. Anyway, so for the first few days of break I worked and what happened? The people who were stupid enough to decide to switch us over during the busiest time of the year exercised some common sense (amazing...) and decided that the system wasn't ready and postponed it indefinitely. So I worked my ass off for nothing. Well, maybe not nothing. At least it won't be so crazy when I go back after the break...though I do get paid to do work after the break and not during the break, but whatever. Trying to find the positive here.

2) Packing. We're preparing for our big move in a couple of weeks and we need to have most of our stuff out next week. We haven't done much yet, but I'm sure Week 2 will be more productive.

3) House Stuff. Termite inspection, house insurance, paint colors (still working on it), and procurement of some new comfy chairs.

4) Cat-sitting. I spent a good portion of this week cat-sitting/house watching/plant watering at my parents' house. I had a great deal of fun playing with my parents' cat. Her name is Callie and she's about a year old so she is quite entertaining. I can't wait to get a cat when we move in to our new house. I'm also looking forward to bringing home our dog from the mother-in-law's house. Hopefully they'll get along and be great friends.

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