Sunday, August 26, 2007

I Win

After three years of offering to teach Joy to knit, she finally gave in! Okay, maybe I didn't really offer to teach her. The first year I offered (I didn't know her very well...), the second year I nagged (I knew her much better by then...), and the third year I left her alone (but not really...). The third year I stopped bugging her about knitting because I suspected that her unwillingness to knit had become more of stubborn mule thing rather than a lack of interest. She just didn't want to give in to me. So instead of openly bugging her, I left my knitted items laying about. Y'know, an ipod case in my car, a beanie on my head, my knitting sticking out of my bag, that sort of thing. And then I knit in front of her and taught someone else. And then someone else wanted to learn. And ahh, finally Joy gave in and agreed to knit. She pretended to be reluctant and tried to convince me that she was only giving in to shut me up, but I know she was really excited on the inside. And y'know, she did pretty well for her first time.

Lance is disappointed in her.

1 comment:

Kathleen & George said...

wow, i can't believe one afternoon of teaching you to knit so long ago lead to all of this...i'm so proud of how you stuck with it, b/c i haven't knitted in over a year. props to you.