Monday, October 29, 2007

A finished object

Well, I finally finished The Blanket. I started this blanket last year and it was to be a present for my popo. It was the present that I was frantically trying to finish on Christmas Eve. I managed to finish her lap blanket, like two seconds before I gave it to her. She didn't know what it was because it was so small. I explained it was a lap blanket and she was happy. I also asked her if she wanted it bigger because I wasn't sure if it was big enough to comfortably cover her lap. She said no but then changed her mind three months later. She wanted it long enough to cover her shoulders when it got chilly. Of course by then I had already moved on to my next project, which was a set of colorful bibs for my cousin's first child. And so the blanket sat, untouched in my house. Truth be told, I wasn't looking forward to working on the blanket again. It was knit in garter stitch so it was quite boring but it was too large for me to take to places that I normally knit boring pieces at (i.e. the dentist's office). And it was knit in relatively small needles and in long rows so it took forever to make any noticeable progress. Anyway, I recently realized that it was almost Christmas time again and I still had this blanket in my house. I forced myself to work on it and it's finally done! Of course, M*Bark discovered it:

1 comment:

brandizzle said...

i don't have enough patience for knitting. i crocheted a hat once and liked it. i intended to do it again but my laziness overcame me.