So this Thanksgiving was a little different than recent Thanksgivings. Sure, we did the traditional, way-too-tiring relative thing on Thursday, but other than that it was odder than usual. Why?
1) While baking on Wednesday night, I discovered that our monthly payment to our security company is money well spent. When the smoke detector goes off, they really do check to make sure you're okay.
2) As usual, Lance and I examined Black Friday's sales. Oddly, there were very few things that we were interested in.
3) We didn't really partake in any of the sales. Joy and Brad went to Hilo and I dropped them off at the airport and once again, the sales weren't very good.
4) Lance was sick all weekend, which is actually probably why the rest of the weekend was weird.
5) I did not go to either the Okinawan Center craft fair or the Blaisdell craft fair, both of which are Thanksgiving weekend traditions.
6) I spent most of the weekend in the kitchen. I'm actually fairly domestic, but it's odd that I spent that much time cooking/baking. Wednesday night I worked on the overnight layered salad, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin squares. Friday I made a yummy loaf of bread. Saturday I made ziti. And today I made cinnamon rolls.
I also did my normal weekend chores (i.e. laundry) and made some progress on my knitting. The scarf that I'm working on now was actually started so that I could have some nice mindless knitting for my "knitting club", but it occurred to me this weekend that scarf delivery day is approaching quickly (, Saturday...) so I really need to finish it up. It shouldn't be a problem, it's almost done. It also occurred to me that I really need to focus on that Christmas knitting. I have quite a few projects to complete before Christmas. Yikes.
Oh, and I got to rock out to Rock Band today. I didn't play much this weekend because Lance was sick and I didn't think me banging on drums would help him feel better. Thankfully he's feeling better so I played for quite awhile today. Oh, and of course I'm just happy that he's feeling better. :)