Sunday, December 30, 2007's here...

Ahh...I love winter break. Well, I love it once we get past Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. I just don't particularly care for the craziness of the last minute have-to-dos. I think I did better keeping my wits about me this year, than I did last, though. Baby steps to sanity.

So I love winter break, heck, I love all breaks. I love them way more now than I did when I was a student. I feel that breaks should be a time of relaxation and rejuvenation but my teachers never seemed to agree with me. Many of my high school teachers felt that vacations were just a time for us to work on lengthy, time-consuming projects so throughout high school a little part of me dreaded vacations just because I knew what was coming. It got better in college because at least winter break was stress free. But now that I'm working, all vacations are wonderful. There are things to do when I go back to work, but they can all wait until I get back to work. I am planning to enjoy this break because I suspect that I will not be able to enjoy spring break as much since it is the week before the convention. On my list for Winter Break 2007-2008:
1) Knit - I knit like crazy in the beginning but that was Christmas knitting. Now it's time for more relaxing knitting. I have some unfinished objects to work on and my mother has requested scarves for her and my aunty for their upcoming trip.
2) Read.
3) Work on the house - We actually plan to do quite a bit of this. Lance has been scraping away at the floors and we've been organizing and putting stuff away. I cleaned a bit and we've been working on getting some of our decorative stuff up. We just bought some stuff from Inspiration today and although it won't be delivered for a few weeks, we do have to prepare for the delivery. Hopefully we get a significant portion of our floor done during vacation. We still need to have a house warming party.
4) Relax.

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