Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I love my ipod

Wednesdays are my testing/paperwork/catch up day. Today I didn't have to test so I used my day to catch up on some stuff and to do some paperwork. As usual, I reached into my bag and extracted my ipod. I also use my ipod in the car and at home (Lance got me a iHome so I can wake up to the Spice Girls), so it's not unusual that my earphones were not connected to my ipod. I looked in my purse/bag but no earphones. I didn't panic because I thought surely they were in my backpack. They were not in my backpack. Panicking, I re-searched each bag twice and finally resigned myself to a musicless day. No music = Grouchy Kathleen. Near the end of the day my friend found a pair of extra earphones in her classroom so at least the last hour of my day had music in it, but still it was a pretty grouchy day.

Music's always been an important part of my life. I don't know why, it just always has been. I'm not one of those people who is a music critic. I generally won't pick apart a piece and talk about it. I just like what I like. I had a friend who considered himself a music critic. Actually, he thought he was a critic about everything. Music, movies, restaurants, he had an opinion about it (and annoyingly he felt the need to pompously share his opinion, regardless of whether or not you cared to hear it...). He couldn't help but share when he thought that what you liked sucked. It would've been okay if he could've just left it to a "I don't like it," but he felt the need to tell you exactly why he didn't like it. He never understood why people got offended but I never understood why he couldn't understand.

Anyway, I love my ipod. After only a year and a half my first ipod died. I was so devastated that I felt a little piece of me died with it. It was a horrible couple of days as I desperately tried to revive it. No such luck and I ended up replacing it. The newer model was sleeker and had video but I was still sad that I had to get rid of my first one. It took me days to re-add my library. My ipod's with me nearly every day. I wake up to it in the morning, I listen to it on the way to work, and I listen to it during work whenever I can. It keeps me sane. There are days at work when I get stressed having to deal with stupid adults but once they leave I put my earphones in. I feel better when Pink's coursing through my head.

I'm going to bed now. What should I wake up to tomorrow morning?

1 comment:

brandizzle said...

i feel exactly the same way!! i totally wish i could listen to mine at work but then i wouldn't hear the old people complaining. i've had mine for years, it's the photo version not video so it's not the best but i love it! when i first got it was probably how you feel when you have your first child. it was beautiful! i am no music snob either, i love mostly all music. there is really something for all moods and if you don't like it, don't listen to it. duh. my friend had this classmate in her car and was playing her husband's band's cd. this dumb classmate had the nerve to say that his band sucks!!! that is just rude, mean and dumb. yay ipods!