Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

Two years ago, Lance and I celebrated our first Christmas together. We brought the tree home and learned that a Leatherman is a poor replacement for a saw. No matter, it was our first Christmas. Last year, we didn't get a tree. I was bummed but we were trying to sell our townhouse so no tree. This year was our second tree together. I thought it'd be easier than the first year since we had a little experience under our belt, but alas, an easy time it was not:

1) First weekend of December: Want a tree, but husband thinks it's too early to get one. Husband promises to get tree following weekend.
2) Second weekend of December: Too busy to get tree. Bummed.
3) December 10: Concern sets in that all of the trees are gone.
4) December 10: Drive by Star on the way home. Panic sets when no trees are spotted. Hopes Husband realizes that his Christmas will be unpleasant if there is no tree in house on Christmas morning.
5) December 10: Continue driving past Wal-Mart. Thrilled to see big white tree tent.
6) December 10: Husband arrives home and the tree hunt begins.
7) December 10: Go to Wal-Mart, only tree left is 9 feet tall. Proceed to Daiei.
8) December 10: Get distracted by Home Depot, end up buying tree. Strange woman approaches M*Bark to coo at her, impedes tree progress.
9) December 10: Arrive home w/ tree, stick it in large bucket outside.
10) December 11: Gear up to set up tree, realize that if tree is set up with no skirt around the stand, M*Bark will probably drink the water. No tree skirt found, remember that the skirt was thrown out two years earlier. Decide to put off tree decorating until tomorrow.
11) December 12: Buy new tree skirt, go home to set up tree.
12) December 12: Husband arrives home and brings tree in. Tries to put tree into stand, realize that stand is way too small for tree. Decide to put off tree decorating until tomorrow.
13) December 13: Buy new tree stand. Husband comes home.
14) December 13: Husband brings tree in. Tree goes into stand and doesn't fall. Rejoice.
15) December 13: Tree looks thirsty. Realize that forgot to cut off the base of the tree. Very quietly tells husband.
16) December 13: Realize that still do not have adequate saw. Go to dad's house to borrow one.
17) December 13: Take tree out of stand, saw off base.
18) December 13: Tree refuses to stand in base, realize that bottom branches must now be cut off.
19) December 13: Cut off bottom branches. Tree stands nicely. Rejoice.
20) December 13: Put up lights and ornaments.
21) December 13: Realize that there is no star/angel for the top of the tree. Realize that amount of ornaments too small for size of tree.

Oh Christmas tree.


Ross said...

Lol too funny kat. Now thats a Christmas tree story. Definitely beats our Christmas tree stand cracking when we put it in but don't realize till we've filled with water.

nure nezumi said...

ha, funny... today the paper said that trees were $1.00 at kmart.