Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April 1

This day used to be one of my favorite days of the year. When I was younger, I was the proud owner of fake bugs, funny glasses, a whoopie cushion, and of course, the good 'ole snake in a can. Ahh, the fun I used to have. My sixth grade teacher was a smart one and she prided herself on being "unfoolable." She was on to my snake can so one day I switched out the snake and put a bag of peanuts in. I offered it to her and of course she declined. So I opened it, ate some peanuts, and walked away. I quietly switched the snake back in and got her to open it later that day. Good times.

In high school, I made up elaborate plans to trick my friends. They always fell for whatever April Fool's Day joke I had cooked up and it got to the point where none of my friends believed anything that came out of my mouth on April 1st. My senior year in high school I actually resorted to playing my April Fool's Day joke on April 2nd.

So what did I do this April 1st? What grand joke did I play on my students/colleagues/husband/dog. Absolutely nothing. I completely forgot about this day. Sadly, it's not the first year that I've forgotten to play a prank. Sure, I've had "fun" with people on other days of the year, but I've been forgetting to celebrate this day for years now. I just get so caught up with life that days like April Fool's Day and St. Patrick's Day and Girl's Day just get forgotten. It's sad. I need to remember to not get so caught up in the everyday stuff and make more time to mess with people...


brandizzle said...

you're slippin.

my best prank thusfar (and really only one worth mentioning) was the pencil case on the floor of nambu's class. my brilliance at its peak.

Kat said...

Dude, I AM slipping. And the pencil case on the floor was brilliant, I still tell people about that one. I was all proud of myself for participating. I was so used to being the "good girl" in my classes. Well, except for Nambu's and Sawada's Calc class.