Saturday, March 29, 2008

Finished objects

I love to knit. It's definitely evolved from hobby to obsession. I've really been knitting a lot lately, though a lot of it has been because I was on a deadline. I often knit for other people and I often forget to take pictures of my finished objects before I give them away. I need to get better at taking pictures of them because I put a lot of time into my projects and I'd like to have pictures of them.

My mom and my aunty recently went to Alaska and my mother requested these scarves after she saw me knitting this one during Thanksgiving. I knit the two of them hats when they went to Vegas one winter and my aunty wanted her scarf to match her hat. Her hat was grey so the black/grey/white one is her's and was done out of yarn. My mom's hat was purpley-pink but she didn't care about matching her hat. She just wanted it pink. The pink one was made with a Debbie Bliss yarn that I think was an alpaca/silk blend. The yarn was really nice to work with, felt great through my fingers, and was delightfully springy. Oh, and the pink scarf was the scarf that M*Bark attacked.

I also finished Lance's socks! Poor guy's been waiting for these socks since August 2006, when he picked out the yarn when we went to Seattle. These socks were such a pain but I don't know why they were so difficult. They weren't any different from the other socks that I have knit but they were the most painful socks ever. I frogged the first one twice and had to rip out parts of it to get it right. All was well after that and I was almost done with the second half of the pair when I started celebrating prematurely. Of course I was punished for being cocky and screwed up. Thankfully I was able to correct my mistake without having to rip out too much, but I tread carefully after that. These socks have been on my needles for so long and they kept being pushed on the side when I had to knit other stuff for other people. I did knit Lance a pair of clogs while he waited for his socks, though. After all the trouble that these socks caused, I totally love the way they finally turned out. I knit them on size 1 needles and I love how tight the stitches are. They fit the best out of all the other socks and they fit both Lance and I perfectly. In fact, these are Lance's socks, but this picture was taken with them on my feet. Although Lance tried them on and let me take a picture of them, he got suspicious (though rightfully so) and grouchy about his feet ending up on my blog.

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