First off, I don't know why the judges chose to save Matt Giraud. He's not going to win and the judges will be kicking themselves if Adam, Kris, or Allison have a crappy night. This so should be the Top 6 instead of the Top 7. And hello, it's disco night. Bad things happen on disco night. Let's see if they can at least manage to keep the show to the hour...haha, okay, I guess they're dealing with it by eliminating the video introductions. Let's hope that means they're letting all of the judges speak tonight.
Lil Rounds: Wow, this was a great karaoke version of I'm Every Woman. Did she change the song at all? For real, Lil Rounds is the biggest disappointment for me. She's not as bad as some of the other contestants but I had high hopes for her. Time for her to go home, yes? Oh look, the judges agree with me. Thank goodness they're all speaking tonight. Haha, she doesn't look sad, she looks like she's gonna flip out again. No itunes purchase.
Kris Allen: Wow, I really liked this arrangement. He actually managed to turn this song into something contemporary. itunes purchase.
Danny Gokey: He sounded really off in the beginning. I like Danny Gokey and he sang this song decently enough, but eh. It didn't excite me. I just don't think I'm going to remember this in the morning. And at the end of everything, I just don't think he's going to win. He's just missing...something. No itunes purchase.
Allison Iraheta: WTH is Allison wearing? Who's dressing her? Seriously, whoever's in charge of making these people look decent needs to be fired. Wow, I didn't even recognize this song until she got to the chorus. I loved how she managed to make this song more rock-y. It's funny how I forget how old she is until she's done singing. I really loved the performance, minus the outfit and the, well, the song itself. No itunes purchase.
Adam Lambert: Okay, Adam's back to the clean cut look. Oh, Paula, dry your eyes, it wasn't fantabulousy good. It was good, but cry your eyes out good? No. No itunes purchase.
Matt Giraud: Haha, what an appropriate song for Matt - Staying Alive. Is he purposely trying to be like Justin Timberlake? Did he change the song at all? I can't watch him, he reminds me of a werewolf. Oh, Simon's right. It reeked of desperation. No itunes purchase.
Anoop Dawg: Ahh...another person who needs to go home this week. What's up with the facial hair tonight? He reminds me of a teenage boy who's all proud that he's a big boy and can grow facial hair. Good lord, he sounds really bad tonight. Is he even trying anymore? What is Randy talking about? It sounded totally off. I actually liked the arrangement and I would buy it if Anoop was able to sing it better. What in the world are these judges talking about? Are my ears off tonight? I feel like I've been disagreeing with them all night. Oh, nevermind. Simon agrees with me so it must not be me. No itunes purchase.
All in all, disco night wasn't as bad as it had the potential to be. Did anyone else notice that the host dude who loves to hear himself speak, crap, I can't remember his name...oh. Did anyone else notice that Ryan Seacrest didn't sit down to chat with all of the contestants. That's not cool. Some of the contestants are getting way more airtime, giving them more of an opportunity to connect with the fans. Seriously, what is up with the production of this season? Someone needs to be fired.
Well, since the judges decided to give us the Top 7 again, I think we should have the bottom three people again - Lil, Matt, Anoop. I'm fine with seeing all three of them leave.