Saturday, July 14, 2007

Look Who Graduated!

M*Bark graduated today! We had a wedding last week so she had to miss class and we were a little concerned how she'd do with a week off, but she went through the obstacle course brilliantly! Her instructor was really pleased with her and offered some suggestions for furthering her education. We can either continue on to the intermediate course or repeat the beginner course and try to get her good citizen certified. I don't really understand it, but the certification's supposed to be a really big deal and our instructor thinks M*Bark would be able to do it since she's smart and well behaved. We don't know want we're going to do yet, since we went into this course with the intention of stopping after the beginner course. All we really wanted was for our dog to sit and stay, which she can now do. But I don't know, I'm kinda enticed by the idea of certification. It's hard to explain, but I realized that my desire to have my dog certified is rather typical of how I've led my life so far and probably how I'm going to raise my future children. Anyway, here's M*Bark with Lance and her diploma. I also made her a little graduation cap which, in case you were wondering, I only made her wear at home for my amusement.
Apparently M*Bark was not too thrilled with her cap. Look what she did when left alone with it for a few minutes:
Ha, well behaved, right? Just like a kid, M*Bark often behaves better at school than at home.


Joseph said...
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Joseph said...


I meant to say, tell m*bark congratulations...

but i typed, tell "lance" congratulations.

i hope i deleted my comment before lance saw.. teehee..

Kat said...

Ha, ha, ha, nah, Lance would think it was funny. And it was kinda like he graduated, too, since he was the trainer.

nure nezumi said...

at least SOMEONE knows what to do with that hat... haha