Sunday, July 01, 2007


Summertime's here and it feels great! Alright, I've officially been on summer break for three weeks but I've had to work so I didn't count these weeks as break. But now I'm done providing ESY therapy services so now it's time for fun! My agenda for summertime fun:1) Knitting. I've been looking at sock yarn for the past several months online but I haven't bought anything because I knew we were supposed to be saving money. I finally purchased this lovely sock yarn and size 1 bamboo needles online two weeks ago as my "good job for getting through the school year without killing anyone" present. This was the first time that I've purchased anything from this store and I definitely would purchase from them again. They have great yarn, decent prices, and fantabulous customer service. My order arrived within a week and came with a few extras that didn't cost a lot but made me happy. The best thing about the order was that it also came with a handwritten note. Little things make a big difference.2) Ripsticking. I tried a waveboard during Christmas break at a craft fair. The guy selling it tried to teach me but I wasn't able to learn how to use it within five minutes in the parking lot so I didn't buy it. But I recently found out that a friend of mine has a ripstick (which is pretty much the same thing as a waveboard). My friend took me to the inline hockey rink and taught me on her's on the nice smooth surface of the rink. It's fun but I still pretty much suck at it. After 1/2 an hour of playing on it, Lance came to meet us and in true Lance form, learned how to ride it within a few minutes. And in true Kat form, I got obsessed about owning one and promptly tried to buy one after work that day. The first place I went to had them on sale but were sold out. Devastated, I tried a different store. They had the waveboard, but it was $30 more than the ripstick. So then I went to Wal-Mart, confident that they would have them in stock since I had passed by the display for several days. No luck at Wal-Mart, as they were sold out. Being obsessed, I spoke to one of the sales associates who told me that they were due to get a new shipment and they were maybe unloading them at that moment. She advised me to call at 11:00 that night to check. Lance thought I was nuts (but seriously, this is very typical of me so he shouldn't have been surprised), but I drank coffee to stay awake and then called them at 11:00. They had it, I ran out to get at and was home by 11:30 with my new ripstick. I had my first fall off it yesterday. My bum's still a little sore. 3) Book buying. Yup, it's that time of year again. The huge library book sale. We went yesterday and got some books, magazines, and CDs and we're planning to go again before the end of the sale. We managed to get two of the Pidgin to Da Max books and Lance thinks I should study this summer. Maybe then Joy will stop laughing at me when pidgin slips out of my mouth. It's not my fault it sounds unnatural. Look where I grew up.

4) Home renovating (whoops, picture's sideways, forgot to flip it). We've painted the living room, dining room, game room, and yarn room and the house is finally starting to really feel like home. We have a few more rooms to paint (all lots of other stuff to work on), but our main project right now is our floors. We got a pretty good price on some koa laminate and we're installing it in our living room, dining room, entry way, kitchen, and hallway. We just busted up our hallway floor today. We're still prepping it and good grief is it hard work. I did discover that busting up a floor is a good stress reliever though and I kinda wish we had started it before the school year ended. There's something therapeutic about busting the crap outta a floor. We still have a lot of work to as we still have to finish prepping the hallway, start prepping the rest of the rooms, and figure out how to actually install the laminate, but it's kinda fun because we're doing it together. Everything's more fun with Lance.

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