Thursday, February 28, 2008


Another week as come and gone on American Idol. All four of the contestants who left tonight were mine. Lance is gloating and has annoyingly pointed out that in order for me to not lose (ahem, tie) this stage of our bet, I can't lose anyone next week. In the past couple of years, I've come to some realizations about, well, me. One of these realizations is that I'm a wee bit competitive and much more so when it comes to Lance. I do not want to lose this bet, frankly I don't even want to tie. I want to win outright, though I know at this point the most I can hope for is to tie now and win at the end. [Note: I was playing checkers with one of my third graders on Tuesday and I really wanted to crush him.]

Anyway, as I mentioned, another week of American Idol has come and gone. David Archuleta's still my favorite but there is one thing that has bothered me about him. I figured it out on Tuesday and had a good laugh. His mannerisms when he's not singing reminds me of a friend of mine from school. It's funny because as I was thinking this, Lance said the same thing. This kid could be a younger version of my friend. My friend reads my blog and posting his name is probably the kind of thing that would make him mad. Let's just say that I secretly refer to David Archuleta as Mavid Archuleta.


brandizzle said...

hahaha you should read the comments i made on a certain someone's blog about AI the other day. i think it was #111. he totally does though.

nure nezumi said...

hey, what the heck?!

nice code guys... real slick.

haha, well, i guess i should take that as a compliment? maybe that's why i'm well-liked by mommies? grr...

although, if i could SING like him maybe i wouldn't be mad. still... oh by the way... what the heck, alaina?! i liked her! i don't know why but i seem to have a thing for the blond cali-airhead type girls on this show. they're hot! and way better than those other two tall blonds, the one with the creepy eyes and the other one with the am-i-britney-or-not? complex.