Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Knitting in Longs

I love knitting. The thrill of creating something, the feel of the yarn, the calmness associated with knitting. It's such a tranquil experience.

I recently took a break from knitting. It was only a week or two, but it was a break nonetheless. See, I'm working on two projects right now, and I was getting a little bored with them. One is a tank top that I've been working on forever and the other is a scarf for my cousin. I messed up on my cousin's scarf about half way in and I needed to completely start all over, changing to a better quality yarn. Anyway, I was bored with the scarf since I essentially had to do half of it all over again and was feeling a little uninspired. And then there was the video game that Lance bought me for my birthday that I've been a little obsessed over. Like really obsessed. Like Lance obsessed. Maybe he put a spell on my wedding ring that slowly tricked me into thinking that video games are great so that I'd leave him alone while he was playing them. Hmm...something to think about.

Anyhow, this weekend I bought a wickedly entertaining book. It's called Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. It's terribly funny and I think every knitter should read it. Ha, I think Lance should read it. It'll help him realize that my love of knitting isn't so crazy. Actually, the book made me realize that I'm not crazy enough about knitting and maybe I should get crazier. Good thing I don't live in a place where yarn stores are plentiful. Anyway, so I just finished the book and it helped inspire me to pick up my knitting needles again. I'm working on the scarf again and it's going a lot faster now that I'm really concentrating on it.

I've been sick for about a month now, but now my asthma's really started to act up. I finally gave in and made an appointment with the doctor today. I left school, swung by my house to pick up my knitting (b/c what else was I gonna do during the wait?), and went to the doctor. He prescribed stuff to make me feel better and I went to Longs to pick them up. I had to wait again at the pharmacy so what was I to do? I looked in my bag and...ta da! My knitting was in my bag waiting patiently for me to pick it up. And so I did and had a very nice time knitting in Longs. I never know what to do while I'm waiting to get my prescriptions filled and I generally end up browsing/buying. I think from now on I should bring my knitting. I'd probably save some money that way. I try to bring my knitting with me to places when I know that I'll be waiting for awhile but sometimes there are unexpected waiting times. Maybe I should bring my knitting with me at all times to account for these unexpected waiting times. Hmm...there's an idea.

1 comment:

....meow.... said...

when i remember, i always bring my knitting w/me when i know i'm going to have some extra time on my hands...waiting at the MD's office, hanging out at a friend's house, etc. i should pick that book up. FYI: if people call you granny, phooey to them.