Friday, March 31, 2006

Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania

I am sick again. Whoopee. I think I have a hard time adjusting to Hawaii weather or something because I keep getting sick right after I come home from the mainland. I'm always fairly healthy while I'm on my trips, but I immediately get sick when I return home. Oh well, at least I don't get sick while traveling. Anyway, so I was gonna be all smart and blog my trip backwards so that people who read my blog wouldn't have to read it backwards. Does that make sense? Think about it and it will. Anyway, so I was gonna be all smart and blog it backwards and draft it and then upload it all at once. But then I realized that I would probably just end up confusing myself and who would want to read a really long blog? So I decided to just blog it and then hope that those who don't read my blog for awhile would realize that if they wanted to read about my trip in order then they would have to read my entries backwards. Oh dear, I'm confusing myself. Anyway, I'll start with day one.

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