Friday, March 31, 2006

We visited many memorials this first night (and it was cold). We visited the Washington, Lincoln, Vietnam War, and Korean War memorials. The kids were fairly respectful at both the Vietnam and Korean War memorials and they were not bad at the Washington and Lincoln memorials, but you could tell that they weren't quite getting the significance of the memorials. It's not that the kids were dumb; they were just kids. Visiting the memorials was an awesome experience for them, but I hope that many of them return to visit the memorials as adults, so that they truly understand the importance behind them.

Anyway, here we are at the Lincoln Memorial. It was interesting because if you looked at the statue of Lincoln from the side, then you could see Robert E. Lee's face in Lincoln's. It was kinda creepy, actually.

After a very long day, we finally headed to Maryland to our hotel and completed our very long first day. Posted by Picasa

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